David Liu


About the Game

Rooms is a co-op puzzle game developed in Unreal Engine 4. Two players are required to play, with one being the Guide and the other being the Adventurer. Taking inspiration from We Were Here, the Guide has to communicate with the Adventurer in order for the Adventurer to progress to the next room. Each room contains a puzzle of some kind that cannot be solved on their own. By constantly describing what each player sees, reads, and tries, the Adventurer will be able to overcome all the puzzles they come across with the help of the Guide.

Developed from November 2019 to December 2019.

Role in Development

  • Manager: Dennis Slavinsky
  • Designer: Chase Slavery, David Liu, Billy Bowden
  • Programmers: Jonathan Mura

When we started this project, we decided to split the workload into three different levels, a programmer handling level streaming, and a person to assemble everything together. I was tasked in creating one of the levels. I decided to design a puzzle that had a possibility of confusing the players if they didn't communicate well enough, which would be the challenge of the level. The Guide would have a picture of 2D shapes, each of a certain color, pointing to another set of 2D shapes with different colors. The Player would have 3D objects to find and place onto pedestals with 2D shapes. To make sure that players don't get too frustrated deciphering which set of 2D shapes is supposed to represent the 3D objects, I made sure that a few of the 2D shapes in the set would not be the same as the 3D objects' shape and colors. I also programmed for the level to be randomized upon each playthrough, so that players would not be able to just memorize the sequence when going through the level again.

Blueprint Examples
